Sinópsis / Synopsis:

La Bonita y Cristina son dos cocineras trans que trabajan en los barcos cargueros que recorren los ríos del amazonas peruano. Ambas han comenzado a destransicionar de género, una de ellas para cumplir con una promesa hecha a su madre muerta, la otra por miedo a quemarse eternamente en el infierno.

La Bonita and Cristina are two trans cooks who work on the cargo ships that travel around the rivers of the Peruvian Amazon. Both have begun to detransition themselves, one to fulfil a promise made to her dead mother, the other for fear of eternally burning in hell.

In the 37th jury session of the Berlinale World Cinema Fund (WCF), the juries made eleven funding recommendations for projects from Argentina, Bangladesh, Central African Republic, Chad, Colombia, Iran, Peru, Tunisia and Venezuela. The WCF is pleased to be able to support independent cinema even more strongly in times of crisis and to promote the visibility of the cultural complexity of our world.

The WCF jury made its selection from 176 submitted projects from a total of 51 countries. 

Lovers in the Sky, director: Fermín de la Serna (Argentina). Production: Climax (Argentina), Blink (United States), Rio Azul Films (Argentina)
Documentary form.
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